Ah, Facebook Ads.

My Favorite.

Is it your favorite too? Type ‘Yes, I love Facebook Ad’ in the comments below! and prove your love for it.

Today, we will learn how to Create Facebook Ads that Convert by More than 20%

Do you know? Over 6 Million Businesses all around the world are actively advertising on Facebook!

I would also love to share something from a data source that I love, Google Trends. You will love this, have. a look :

A Good Stat, right? But, have you thought about how many people Actually WASTE their Ad Spend on Facebook?

A LOT. A Very less proportion of them is using it right.

I hope you don’t want to be in ‘A LOT’ of them.

So, I will keep this piece of Content specific to Strategies which can help you convert a lot of your Facebook Ads.

Look, Create Facebook Ads that Inspire people to click on your ads! Let’s see how it can be done.

So, ready to explore? Let’s Go!

1. Install the Facebook Pixel Properly

A lot of Marketers and Entrepreneurs forget the most important thing, THE HEART OF FACEBOOK ADS, Facebook Pixel’s correct implementation can make or break your campaign.

To know how to set up the Facebook Ads Pixel properly, visit Jon Loomer’s Guide on the same.

Pixel has a lot of advantages :

  • It keeps a track of your audience
  • It helps you to retarget audiences which have visited the specific pages of your website.
  • It helps you to build lookalike audiences of the custom audiences you have built using the pixel.

2. Focus on the Creative and Ad Copy

Creatives is what your target audience have the first interaction with your advertisement.

You should have creatives which give a better insight on what your objective is.

We will cover 1 Creatives or example, strategies of which you can model, eventually can help you increase your Conversions and generate more leads from Facebook.

Neil Patel’s Creative on Facebook :

Neil Patel’s creative is one of the best examples of Facebook ad creative, see it below :

Neil Patel used a ‘FREE BONUS’ in the News Feed Title to attract more clicks.

Neil clearly mentioned what the audience can expect after watching his webinar.

He has shown ‘learn more’ as a Call -to- Action within the creative, which boost the Clicks, to increase the authority, he has showcased himself, this increases your Personal Brand and more people recognize you ‘off-the channel’ as they come across your content on other platforms.

He has mentioned his credentials in the ad copy, for example : “I helped companies like Amazon, NBC, GM etc grow”, along with mentioning his achievement in building 4 Multi Million dollar companies.

You can take Inspiration from Neil and make the best creative to make audience click and convert.

3. Choose Your Targeting Very Carefully!

Targeting is the primary thing in Facebook. If you are not targeting correctly, you won’t succeed. Period. You can win on the creative, you can win with the ad copy.

If you don’t target the right audience, everything goes in vain.

To target the right audience, Intersecting the audience can help.

For example, you want to show ads to a Harry Potter Fan or you have a Store which sells Harry Potter Merchandise.

You can Choose the Harry Potter as an Interest and Narrow Down the audience by choosing any magazine, or website, or any specific things which general Harry Potter fans don’t follow.

This Will give you access to FAN BASE and targeting becomes more effective.

4. Create Custom and Lookalike Audiences

Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences are a Gift from Facebook.

If you have missed out some conversions on the first attempt, Why not RETARGET?

Creating a Custom Audience gives you an option of Retargeting your left out audience using Various Setups, like Emails, Lead Forms, Video Views, Website events, Offline Events, App events, etc. You can choose any one of them and retarget your audience.

Lookalike Audiences is replicating your current customers or your already existing custom audiences, this helps you to scale your ads.

Not using Lookalike Audiences can seriously hurt your ads ROI, It is Proven that Cost of Acquisition decreases when you retarget and build Lookalike Audiences.

I have 2 Guides from Jon Loomer for you :

  1. Jon Loomer’s Custom Audience Archive

2. Jon Loomer’s Lookalike Audience Archive

These will help you setup the best Custom and Lookalike audiences.


Patience is the key in Facebook Ads.

If you think you invest $10 today and it will become $1000 tomorrow. You are being delusional.

Stay Patient! Results will come.

I will leave you with this.

Again, I would repeat the same thing, Create Facebook Ads that People Click!


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P.S. : These are really effortless ways you can fix your Facebook Ads. Let me know in the comments how they worked for you. If You want a detailed guide, let me know by contacting me at the Email ID given on the Contact Us Page.

P.P.S : Psssst!, I Published an Article on 5 LEGIT Ways to Make Money Online, Let everyone know by sharing it and commenting on it as to what you found the best method to be :)!.

Published On: October 22nd, 2019 / Categories: Facebook Ads / Tags: , , , /

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